How To Choose Your Color Palette

Before you can start filling your new home or commercial space with lovely furniture, the most important part of the design has to be decided. That part is choosing the right color palette for your space. Choosing your color palette can be the most nerve-wracking decision to make when decorating the home. Luckily, paint is only temporary, right? To avoid going back and forth with your friends and family on what to do, here are some tips from our expert painters in Mount Holly.

Choosing The Colors

Time to break out the trusty color wheel. The color wheel consists of primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. Primary colors consist of your red, blue, and yellow colors. The unique property of these colors is that they cannot be created through mixing, only different shades. Secondary colors are orange, green, and purple. These colors are formed when equal amounts of two primary colors are mixed together. In most cases, painters start with picking their secondary colors before anything else. Tertiary colors are your mixture of various parts of primary and secondary colors that create different shades and hues.

Choosing Your Color Scheme

Now that you understand what is on the color wheel, it is time to choose a color scheme. Your color scheme should best fit your personality and lifestyle. There are four primary color schemes for people to choose from. The four-color schemes are monochromatic, analogous, contrast, and complementary. Monochromatic uses different tones of the same color with the addition of white or black to alter the color by lighting it or darkening it. If you use blue for example, a pale blue or a dark night blue and other varying hues of each would make up your scheme. Analogous uses colors that sit next to each other on the color wheel. This creates a scheme that has a wide range of soothing colors. Contrast is a scheme where three sets of contrasting colors are used to create an environment of energy in your home. Complementary is a color scheme where you choose two opposing colors to create a bold and energetic color scheme.

Things To Consider

It is important that you choose other aesthetics for your room before selecting a wall color. Wall paints are relatively cheap and are fluid which allows for any color or hue to be created. Furniture and carpeting are a lot more narrow in terms of color options and more expensive. Once furnishings are picked out, that is the sign that your wall paint is next on the list of chores. While choosing each, determine what is going to be the contrasting item. Some people prefer the vibrant color to be on furnishings rather than the walls. Others prefer more neutral furnishings that are complemented by bold wall colorings.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out to Rainer Painting at 856-786-8121!

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